Quality of life’studies in a dementia framework
Quality of life (QL) is a wide multifactor concept which refers to the psychosocial well-being of people. In a dementia framework, bringing nearer the ‘real’ QL to the ‘ideal’ QL must be a principal aim for the complete team of professionals who attend both patients and their caregivers. Valid general scales to measure QL do exist but specific scales for QL in dementia are needed. These it is hoped could detect ‘weak points’ which would direct treatment and measure changes. In the patient, the aspects to improve are: self-esteem, physical and mental health, safety and liberty as well as the simplification of daily living activities; and in the caregiver the capacity to face up to and adapt to new challenges by facilitating the resolution of both their own needs and those that patient attention poses. QL in the terminal phase of dementia is linked to relief treatment and respect for the person, its aim is to reach an accompanied dignified painless death. Information and continuous caregiver training contribute to improving QL